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Seal those cracks

Walk the walk with brick caulk!

Brick caulk can freshen up the exterior of your home and make it weatherproof, which is vital to the comfort and integrity of your house.

2 min read

Are you preparing to use brick caulk for the first time? Brick caulk is the best product for sealing up joints and cracks in exterior masonry and is relatively simple to use. Just follow a few easy steps and make sure you pick the right product for the job.

Brick caulk 101: What you need to know

Have you ever taken a close look at the brick caulk on the exterior of your home? If you’ve been noticing gaps, cracks, and even missing sections of brick caulk, there’s a good chance your home isn’t as weatherproof as you may have assumed. 

Brick caulk, also referred to as brick mortar caulk, acts as a seal that makes joints waterproof and weatherproof. Brick caulk seals joints and closes up any gaps between concrete and masonry. 

Owing to the nature of its applications, brick caulk must be able to handle movement and not crack under stress. If you do not use a high-quality brick caulk, you’re bound to see stress cracks forming sooner rather than later.

Applying brick caulk like a pro

If you want to apply brick caulk like a pro, there are some simple steps and tips worth following. Even if you’re tackling the project for the first time, using these tips will ensure you get professional results.

What you need. You should always begin by gathering up the tools and materials you’ll need so you aren’t riffling around in the middle of the project. To apply brick caulk, you’ll need a caulking gun with the proper caulking product and a utility knife. It is also wise to wear gloves to avoid getting product on your hands.

Ensure the joint is ready for application. Before you start applying the brick caulk, you need to be sure that the joint in question doesn’t exceed the maximum joint dimensions. You can refer to the product’s instructions to find this information. 

This is the time to make sure the joint is properly prepared—clean, free of debris/dust/dirt, and dry. There should also be no traces of old or cracked caulking. If there are, you need to remove them first so you have a fresh surface to work with.

Apply the brick caulk with care. The final step is to apply the brick caulk with care, making sure you move slowly enough to prevent gaps. You’ll need to use adequate pressure on the caulking gun while you work to get a smooth, even application.

What about mistakes? So, what happens if you get the brick caulk where you don’t want it? You can always use a sharp-edged knife or tool to carefully cut away any extra caulk once it has fully cured.


You will want to clean up your tools right away to ensure you can remove uncured brick caulk. Mineral spirits can be a great cleaning substance, but be sure you use them in an area with plenty of airflow.

Coloured caulk for red bricks and the best caulks

When you tackle this DIY project, a big part of your success comes down to making sure you pick the right brick caulk for the job. It must be able to hold up to the conditions it will face on a daily basis, such as inclement weather. It also must be strong and versatile enough that the caulk adheres to brick mortar and is able to work with a variety of materials, not just the brick itself.

Don’t forget that depending on your needs, you may also want to consider coloured brick caulk to create a more natural and pleasing look for your home’s exterior.

We suggest you opt for LePage PL Polyurethane Concrete Crack & Masonry Sealant, which is perfect for sealing up joints and gaps in masonry and concrete. This sealant is flexible—it can expand with joints and prevent stress cracks. It is also easy to use and has a textured look so it blends in well with your masonry. This product is also paintable and can match any surface. It doesn’t require a primer, and it will create a waterproof and weatherproof seal that lasts!

Now, if you’re looking for a gap-filling product, PL 600 Landscape Block Adhesive is the way to go. This heavy-duty exterior adhesive works on brick, concrete, stone, and more. While it can adhere materials to each other, its gap-filling capabilities make it more versatile. This adhesive is also water-resistant and can be used in a wide range of weather conditions. It also expands, so stress cracks and water intrusion won’t be an issue.

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